Jarkko Nurminen as CFO of Nordec Group

Jarkko Nurminen, M.sc, has been appointed as CFO of Nordec Group. Jarkko will be a key contributor to take our new strategy further and strengthen our Finance organization in order to meet the demands of our growing business.

He has an extensive background for the role from various finance and strategy related leadership roles from companies like Caverion Plc, Mehiläinen, Citycon, Cramo, Summa Capital and Bain & Company. Jarkko joins Nordec Group from Caverion Plc., where he currently holds the position of Vice President, Group Business Control.

Jarkko Nurminen reports to Kalle Luoto, CEO and he will be a management team member.  

He will start with Nordec latest in March 2022.

Welcome to Nordec team Jarkko!

Kalle Luoto, CEO


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