Christmas Greetings from Nordec – a short summary of 2020

Year 2020 has been exceptional in many ways. Nordec as a new company was established around six months ago and we felt that it might be a good time to review back to the first six months now when we are heading towards Christmas time and a new year.

Our first months have been both exciting and challenging in the shadow of the global pandemic COVID-19 that hit us all during spring. Getting used to not being able to meet you in face -to-face and have discussions about projects as we did before, has changed our daily life in multiple ways. Travelling restrictions and remote working guidelines have affected our ways of working and challenged us to learn new skills. At the same time our business has continued and in project sites new rules has been implemented to secure projects to meet set timelines in safely manner. Together with you we have been able to proceed according to project plans and to succeed as one team. Our sincere thanks to you for our cooperation in 2020!

During this year we have met some milestones we had set to ourselves before.
In Q1 we signed contract for Nordics biggest logistics center, Bålsta, sizing up to 100.000 m2, where we are designing and building the frame and envelope. In Q2 we combined former Ruukki Building Systems and Normek into one company and brand successfully. At that time we also got our new Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) announced. As part of our commitment to promote environmental awareness and sustainability, we are striving to minimize the carbon footprint of our products and deliveries. We are already today able to calculate the carbon footprint of each of our products, and this will in the near future be done for every individual project. During Q3 we signed a contract for a great new project Coop Eskilstuna, logistics center for groceries, sizing up to 75.000 m2. Now in Q4 we have signed a new contract for Northvolt DS2, part of a car battery factory, sizing up to 55.000 m2. Last month our former projects Vekaransalmi bridge and Kuusijärvi bridge were awarded, which we consider as great recognition for our capability to construct functional and beautiful parts of infrastructure.

We are, once again, very honored to have been chosen to your partner.
And of course, we are looking forward to many more projects in close cooperation with you!

This year we have instead of sending gifts chosen to make donation to charity.
Our selected charity partner is Unicef as we see that their mission of children’s rights for a healthy childhood and education are worth protecting.

We wish you and your family a safe and relaxing Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kind regards,

on behalf of whole Nordec team

Petri Nieminen
Nordec Oy

Kalle Luoto
Nordec Oy

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