Nordec receives contractor safety award for DeepMine project

Nordec was awarded a contractor safety award by Outokumpu for the DeepMine project in Kemi Finland. Nordec was manufacturing and installing the steel structures of a 100 meters high mining tower and auxiliary buildings. Nordec’s safety system and experience in handling safety issues in the project were noted by Outokumpu at the construction site of the Kemi mine.

Nordec’s safety system and experience were noted 

Outokumpu awarded a contractor safety award to Nordec for the DeepMine project. Nordec’s safety system and experience in handling safety issues in the project were noted at the construction site of the Kemi mine. Safety management and the implementation of safety work were also reflected in Nordec’s clear scheduling and cost management, which were considered being among the best in the DeepMine project.

“Nordec’s own safety system and the experience in handling safety issues have been noted as being a natural part of the normal routines at the site. It has not been a separate area, but the site manager has taken up the assigned safety issues with determination and taken the measures at the site,” explains Martti Sassi, President of Business Area Ferrochrome at Outokumpu.

Challenging structures and demanding conditions

Nordec was manufacturing and installing the challenging steel structures of the mining tower and auxiliary buildings in the DeepMine project. The construction work was started already in August 2019 and Nordec’s part of the project was finalized in June 2021. Nordec’s delivery included steel structures of a 100 meters high mining tower and auxiliary buildings, steel structures of a staircase and level structures. Nordec implemented the complex structures at the mine under demanding conditions. Installations were made mainly in the lifting tower, but some of the installations were underground up to 1 000 levels.

“One of the structures to be highlighted is the lifting tower’s staff staircase with a stair tower. That is a narrow, about 60 meters high stair structure with 275 steps. Another item worth mentioning, is the so-called hammerhead, a steel-framed, 10 meters-high ‘hat’ above the concrete structures of the lifting tower. Hammerhead was divided into four modules so that the capacity of the construction crane was sufficient to lift the parts into place,” states Kari Huttunen, Project Manager at Outokumpu.

Safety first in all operations

Nordec’s Health and Safety policy sets requirements for providing a healthy, safe and secure working environment for the employees, contractors and visitors in all the projects and operations. Safety played an important role especially in this DeepMine project with exceptionally challenging working environment.

“Working in narrow space in a mining environment made this project particularly challenging. Safety, logistics and consideration of other contractors have been very important. Thanks to the experienced project organization and installation team, we succeeded well in coordinating the work with the client and other contractors. We thank the client’s organization for creating a good working and safety environment,” says Project Manager Jaakko Nissilä from Nordec.

“We had weekly safety quarters as a regular part of our work at the construction site. We discussed all the current safety issues together with the workers at site, such as corona requirements, potential incidents at the site and other important topics raised by the contractor. We all are very happy and honored for this safety award. I want to thank all the workers and partners for the good cooperation and following the safety rules and instructions so carefully,” Nordec’s Site Manager Jani Keränen says gratefully.

Further information

Jaakko Nissilä, Project Manager/Nordec
Tel. +358 41 543 898

Picture (Outokumpu): Jaakko Nissilä/Nordec, Pasi Parkkinen/Nordec, Martti Sassi/Outokumpu

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