
Project: New building

Our delivery: 2011

  • 4,500 m2 of SPA230E AIR F sandwich panels
  • 600-ton steel frame with structural design, manufacture and installation
  • 15,000 m2 of load-bearing corrugated sheets


  • Developer: Ikano Retail Centres Vanda Oy
  • Main contractor: Peab Oy
  • Architectural designer: Schauman Architects Ltd
  • Structural designer: Rakennussuunnittelutoimisto Sormunen & Timonen Oy
A very tight retail centre

The Ikano shopping mall in Vantaa embodies a low-energy pilot project for Ruukki’s energy panel system. With a comprehensive delivery consisting of the frame, facades, and load-bearing corrugated sheets for the roof and by supervising and controlling the manufacture of related construction parts, Ruukki has committed to a premium-level airtightness of 0.6 for the building.
Composite columns, WQ beams, WQ trusses, and intermediate floors of hollow-core slabs constitute the structure of the shopping mall’s two-story section. The one-story section and upper floors employ truss structures. A sprinkler system that supplies water to the building is utilised as the fire protection system.
For the use of this particular fire protection system, Ruukki has been awarded a certificate from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The building’s steel frame has made HVAC design and construction easier and created modification flexibility.
”Initially, the plan was to construct a concrete-framed building, but when we began contemplating the implementation and delivery schedule, we agreed upon Ruukki’s steel frame instead. Our choice of facade structures fell on Ruukki’s new, airtight energy panel system.” Construction site foreman Markku Luolakari from Peab Oy

The references shown are only a small part of the projects we have done, and the most recent ones are yet to come.

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Park Central, Gothenburg, Sweden

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Gubbängens Bandyhall – Stockholm, Sweden

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